I-Beam Analysis

by Robin J. Akins

I had studied this sequence of pictographs for 35 years
with little to no luck until 1988 when I discovered my first reference to symbol 2 and 5.
Also notice that the picture and the hand-drawn copy of the I-beam suggest that
the picture has been flipped during processing.

From left to right;

symbol 1 - Pyramid shape with open base and a 3 line pyramid image
on right outside leg of open pyramid.

SYMBOL 1 - Found the original reference for this in a
textbook on Egyptian pictographs.
This symbol also appears in Adamski's work.
Symbol could mean: Start of Caution!.. or Warning!

symbols 2 & 5 - Three horizontal lines with vertical bar through the center.

SYMBOLS 2 & 5 - Found reference to this symbol in Mayan translations.
Could mean: NO..

symbol 3 - Circle with left and right smaller circles as in opposing
orbit. The main circle has a pair of horizontal wavy lines
running through the center.
symbol 4 - Same circle shapes as symbol 3 but main circle has a pair
of vertical wavy lines running through the center.

SYMBOLS 3 & 4 - These symbols are identical except for the direction of
of wavy lines through the center of the main circle.
I have never found references to these symbols and
as they are the only ones without some kind of
reference they where the last to be analysised in the
context of the sequence of symbols.
I believe the two symbols together could mean:

symbol 5 - Same as symbol 2. Three horizontal lines with a vertical
bar through the center.

symbol 6 - This symbol looks something like an alpha (P).
SYMBOL 6 - Very old Greek symbol meaning personna.
Could also mean: Personnel

symbol 7 - Vertical line as in an alpha (I) with semi-circle bars
on the top and bottom instead of a straight dashs.

SYMBOL 7 - Simular to Egyptian symbols for doorway or
entry way. Could mean: entry

symbol 8 - Pyramid shape as in symbol 1 but with a closed base
and a 3 line pyramid image on left outside leg of pyramid.

SYMBOL 8 - Simular to symbol 1 with the base closed.
Possibly : End of Warning..Caution..


It is my opinion that the sequence of pictographs on the
I-beam translate as follows;

START/Warning | No | Anti-Gravity | No | Personnel | Enter | End of Warning

Possibly a bulkhead entry beam into the lower engine area below the ship
which is not within the direct gravity field.